Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Granola Mommy

So I'm being a hippy again.

I've decided to go back to cloth diapering like I did with Darby. I don't like it and I really love the idea of taking a poopy diaper off of a bum and chucking it in the Diaper Champ, but the boys' diaper areas are constantly red and I think they've got sensitive skin like their big brother and Daddy. I just don't see another alternative that makes a lot of sense. Thank God I kept all of Darby's cloth diapers. Kissaluvs and Fuzzi Bunz are expensive! Now if I can just find the handful of Snappi's I bought for the pre-folds. Hmm...

In other news, I'm trying desperately to build my milk supply up. It's ridiculous, really. I knew I'd have problems with supply after having my thyroid ablated but I'm starting to get pretty upset by it. I nursed Darby for 15 months (when he was FINALLY ready to wean) and I feel like a failure not being able to solely breastfeed them both without relying on formula part of the time. I haven't tried Goat's Rue yet but I've started taking blessed thistle and fenugreek and drinking mother's milk tea like crazy. If time would allow, I might be able to get some extra pumping sessions in, too. Thank God we're moving back in a few weeks and it won't be a big deal to go to my mother-in-law's and have her help me get the boys back on track. Do you know what a blessing it is to have your mother-in-law employed as a maternity nurse and a certified lactation consultant? It's even nicer that my own mother is a nurse at a family practice. When I finally get my degree, we'll be the trifecta! HA!Anyway, bed is calling my name and I am dreading getting up 5 1/2 hours from now. Sir Darby is getting his molar worked on tomorrow as it cracked due to a malformation. A 3 yr. old on valium and nitrous oxide should be a blast. I'll let you know.


Amber said...

Sounds like you're super busy! Glad to hear you're doing well. My mom just got me cloth diapers to try on Cooper... I haven't taken the plunge just yet... we'll see.

Jason and Rachel said...

Sounds like you're having about as much fun as I am..just different issues. Don't feel like a failure regarding the breastfeeding issue. The fact that you are breastfeeding as much as you can is great. I don't think I'd be able to do it if I had a three year old to contend with in addition to the twins. Hope the dentist appointment went ok. Yikes. We are still dealing with naptime. Today I finally decided enough is enough and we're doing the whole Ferber method deal. Let's just say they should sleep well tonight. It's like an hour of hell!