Monday, September 29, 2008

Advice to new moms

As I peruse other blogs I notice more and more moms buying their brand new babies outfits that are insanely expensive. Why?! Why are you doing that?!?! With our first, we stuck to Carter's and even a few inexpensive Target and Wal-Mart buys here and there because they were what we could afford at the time. Now that Brad's got a great paying job and we make more than enough for me to stay at home, I still rarely buy the boys expensive clothing (save for what they might where for our family pics or something that's too much of a deal to pass up). Besides the spit up factor, there is a much more important reason for doing this. It's called poop, and that fantastically cute and expensive garment you just threw onto your child for the day is going to get sloshed in it by sun down.

Case in point: I have a few cute sleepers that I bought from Old Navy a few weeks ago. Normally, I wouldn't have done it because a.) we turned Darby into such a clothes whore when he was a baby that we have more than enough for quads if we wanted and b.) they're about $5 more expensive than I like to spend. The arm twister was that they were 40% off, adorable, and cheaper than the sleepers I had planned on buying. Now, three of them are still in really good shape. But the lightest colored one (not to mention the cutest one by default since it's covered in monkeys) has since become a baby wipe as of it's very first wearing. Daniel had it on for all of 10 minutes before he pooped up to his neck and doused his brand new jammies. Damn it! There is no getting the mustard yellow breast milk poop stain out of those and thus they are pushed to the back of the drawer and I'm just glad I didn't pay full price for them. RIP cute little monkey jammies. RIP.



I knew this would happen. First twins, now moving, and my blog has fallen to the way side. I'm trying! I really am!

Our family has been anxiously awaiting the ok for a transfer back closer to home from this wretched state and we FINALLY got our wish. Unfortunately, we are expected to pack up and move all three children and all three puppy friends in a cross country move in 1 month. Also included in this task is having to find a house to buy and ready to move into by the first of November. Possible? Doubtful. But we're going to try anyway. Ohio, here we come. Ready or not.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Craze

I'm in big trouble.

I, Sarah, have become obsessed. I've become a web stalker.

Why oh why oh why did I have to become aware of Baby Steals, Mama Bargains, and Tottlers?!?!?!?! It's driving me mad!!!!!!

All 3 of these sites bring high quality and fairly expensive products to the table at anywhere from 20% to 80% off! SERIOUSLY. Right now, Mama Bargains has $380 BabyStar crib bedding (flat sheet, crib skirt, and bumper) for $90. This afternoon, they had $30 Miyim organic stuffed animals for $10. Are you doing the "I'm emptying my savings as I read" jig yet? They've also had Timmy and Leslie and Fleurville diaper bags, Red Castle Whizzes, and Sonoma Lavendar sets for Mama's only. I'm wiping away drool daily with this stuff but have yet to make a purchase. I'm waiting for the OMG I HAVE TO HAVE IT product.

Tottlers hasn't impressed me thus far, but I've only seen two of the products they've had to offer. They were mediocre at best (i.e. Dr. Seuss onesies) and for not that much of a price change but I'm hopeful I'll find something on there soon.

Baby Steals, however, got their first order from me this morning after I freaked over the Bumble bags they had up for grabs. I bought this gorgeous set after reading up on it and realizing that I was getting it cheaper by $130 anywhere else on the web. With shipping, it cost me $79and now I can replace my kinda drab Vera bag. Cute and comfy,don't get me wrong, but I've got it in the classic black (before it retired in January) and it just doesn't pop for me. This pretty blue is girly enough for me but not too femme so that it's good for toting around boy stuff. Oh! So cute! Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, it comes with the stroller straps and two snack bags usually sold seperately that are DISHWASHER safe. Mmm heard me. I wish everything was dishwasher safe.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Coffee Obsession and Fall

It's fall which means there is coffee deliciousness all around me. Yeah, we're in Arizona but that doesn't mean I won't enjoy all the flavors of the season in 110 degree weather! It's once again time for pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks! Let the stampede commence! Fall also means delicious new creamer flavors in the grocery. So far, I've collected the pumpkin spice (for those mornings where I just can't get myself out of bed for the Bux) and chocolate mint truffle (to die for, by the way). I'm pretty sure this is why I love fall and winter so much....Or it could be the smell, the caramel apples at the Conner Prairie Apple Store, or the fact is that it always makes me feel goopy and lovey since this is right around the time I met Brad. I am practically beside myself that we're moving back east in time to go to the pumpkin patch and pick apples and enjoy a change in seasons!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I signed up for a lot of these networking sites that give you opportunities to try products for free as long as you promise to blog about them, pass along coupons, tell your friends and family, etc. I decided to finally set up a blog exclusively for review purposes as it's getting to the point where if I don't start blogging about the things I'm trying, I'm never going to catch up!
Only one post so far because it's late and I've got a house to exorcise but one review that I can mark off the list nonetheless.
Nothing major to report on my end, however, I will share with you that if you are at a loss of what to make for dinner one night, visit my friend Laura. She's a great girl and I've had the pleasure of eating at her house a number of times while both of our families were stationed in Alaska. Needless to say, I wouldn't bother recommending her food if she wasn't a wonderful cook!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Down with the sickness.

So in lieu of a fun mini vacay, my hubby and I enjoyed our weekend on the couch and La-Z-boy sick as dogs. Brad was fighting a lovely sinus infection, which I also decided to partake in since we share EVERYTHING (blah) and, never to be out done, I also have mastitis in my other breast now. HA! Just when I thought I was on the road to recovery, my previous affliction comes back with a vengence. How's that for some T&A?

Lucky for Old Navy and Target, I was not miserable enough to forget about shopping. I got the 2 high chairs I'd been eye balling on sale at Target and enough cute clothing for the boys at Old Navy to dress a set of quads for a week! The only things I didn't buy that I considered were Bumbo seats for each of them. There's a good chance I still will, but it's something I want to really mull over.

Aside from the Bumbos, I've been slowly checking off things from my Twins Wishlist that I want but don't necessarily need. The latest item to possibly be checked of the list: The
MaxiMom Baby Carrier. Yes, that is two babies that she's toting around. I find myself wanting one so badly and wondering what kind of crap people would say about the weird lady with the babies strapped to her at the same time. Those of you that know me pretty well know that I'm a "slightly crunchy" parent. I nurse on demand, I wear my kids (usually in a moby wrap or sling), and we do a family bed until we can't stand it anymore. Other birkenstock wearing hippie baby hobbies include: making my own baby food, cloth diapering on occasion (much more with D than with these two), and going to "green baby" rallies.
I'm so kidding about the rallies. I'm a conservative republican. I don't believe in global warming or going green. In fact, I want a hummer just to drive to my mail box every day. Take that, Earth!
Anyway, so I'm kind of granola-y when it comes to raising kids and this seems like it would be perfect. I can't really carry them both in the cradle hold in my moby wrap anymore so this would be awesome. AND you can put a baby up to 30 lbs. in each side! HELLO! Anyway, enough of that noise. It's past midnight, the babies are asleep and for some unknown reason, I'm not. Pictures tomorrow and congratulations to an old friend, Ms. Amber, from high school! Cooper's gorgeous and I'm so happy for you that he's finally here!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Buggy Boards, Wicked Sales, and Weekends

Yesterday, D's buggy board finally got here from One Step Ahead and I excitedly opened the box and assembled it so that we could go on a walk first thing this morning before it got too hot. Upon hooking it up to the frame and having D try it out, I came to the conclusion that this "amazing" device that is compatible with every stroller is NOT compatible with ours. Freakin' frustration!! AHHH! I seriously think I might have to buy a side-by-side to have on hand along with our tandem so that the buggy board actually works.. I've got to figure out something because without my morning walks, I'm going to be a wreck. I can't go much longer!
I am super psyched that all of my favorite stores are having sales right now. Old Navy, Target, and Kohl's are all having kick ass baby sales and I'm going to go nuts this week. The high chair I've been wanting to buy the twins for future use is $20 cheaper than usual right now, so I'm thinking I should jump on it while I can. I also need to pick up some sleepers and a bunch of other crap I've been meaning to buy. Old Navy has the cutest onesies right now and Creighton and Daniel would look so adorable in them!! Then again, I think they look adorable in everything.
Speaking of the boys, they had a weigh in and a quick check-up at the pediatrician yesterday and they are becoming little bruisers! Creighton is 12 lbs. 9 oz. and Daniel is 12 lbs. 1 oz. Can you even believe it?! Three months ago, they were 1/3 of that! Why do I always have these huge monstrosities for kids? It's like I make liquid lard instead of breastmilk. Yikes.
Our weekend starts tonight (since Brad usually works most traditional weekends) and I think I'm going to plan a little impromptu trip to the Grand Canyon for a couple days. We've lived here for a year and a half and still have not seen it! It might take some coaxing, but it'll be fun. Besides, who wouldn't want to take a road trip with 3 small children?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why I hate Windows Vista

You've got to be kidding me. I just spent 40 minutes writing a blog that Windows Vista shut down due to issues that it refuses to tell me about. UGH! In short, I wrote a top 10 as to why this week has been so great. I'm not going to really get into it again unless I feel like coming back on here later when there aren't dishes to do and floors to clean, but I will give a brief run down without rhyme or reason:
1. E.L.F. make-up
2. Gossip Girl premiere
3. My birthday!
4. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
5. Canon House Party
6. My stroller arrived.
7. Spaghetti Cat made an appearance on The Soup.
8. The Republican Nat'l Convention
9. Vocal Point and She Speaks
10. The Bride Stripped Bare

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Spaghetti Cat

Have you seen this?!

I don't care who you are, that's hilarious. I feel a cultural phenonmenon coming on!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sweeney Sarah: The Demon Mom of Arizona

Judging by the title, I'm sure you can tell that today was a not-so-great day. I feel like I'm just losing it with my little guys sometimes. With Brad working on "hell shift" as I like to call it, it's pretty much me and the kids and the dogs 24/7 without a break or back-up. I know I really should not be complaining because we went through so much before we were actually blessed with children, but sometimes it's all just a bit too overwhelming. I've got a 3 yr. old that either doesn't understand or refuses to understand me, twins that refuse to get on any kind of schedule, a husband who, hello? hello?? oh yeah, he's at work.....again, and dogs that are so stir crazy from having to stay off of the "desert landscaping" that surrounds this hell hole that they've brought wrestle mania to my living room. I've been losing my temper pretty quick so I spend a lot of time forcing fake smiles and biting my tongue.
How am I to keep up with laundry and the house in this kind of 3 ring circus? AHHH!
Here's hoping we get this transfer that Brad has put in for. I can't take another summer of avoiding the outdoors because it's dangerously hot out. Maybe I can talk my hubby into whisking us away to San Diego for one last weekend before the Pacific becomes unbearably cold again.